Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/04/24

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Subject: [Leica] WTB: Lens cap for 35mm ASPH Summicron
From: chmphoto at (Clive Moss)
Date: Sat Apr 24 08:07:15 2004
References: <>

Jack McLain - Contract Research Oversight wrote:
> I dug in my pocket for the damn lens cap.... it was gone
> Anyone know a good source for a replacement?
The one that fits over the hood? I got mine from B&H. I think they also 
have the regular cap.
Clive Moss

In reply to: Message from jmclainaz at (Jack McLain - Contract Research Oversight) ([Leica] WTB: Lens cap for 35mm ASPH Summicron)