Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/04/21

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Subject: [Leica] public service request (Houston and Spanish needed)
From: fmaturana at (Felix Lopez de Maturana)
Date: Wed Apr 21 08:53:59 2004

>I get a lot of email like this. Usually I can answer it myself. But this
>person really needs an answer in Spanish. Do any of you know both Spanish
>and the Houston camera scene? If not, then can someone give here (in
>English) the answer to his question, and then can someone else send it to
>the nice man in Spanish?
>---------- Forwarded Message ----------
>Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:54 PM -0500
>From: Jose Angel Azcolain <>
>Subject: Leica camera
>I am a spanishman and I am working in Mixico seit 2 years.
>Next month i will be only one day in Houston doing bussines. It is posible
>I have time to go shoping and I want to buy a "Leica CM" camera.
>Could you inform me, please, where can I buy in Houston this camera?
>Do you have de E-Mail address for the shop?
>Sorry for my bad english and thank you very much in advance
>Josi A. Azcolain


Of course I'll be really happy helping you as far as you give me the right
information -Houston shops- contacting Jos? Azcolain in Spanish directly or
through the lug -including English translation. 



I'm a digest subscriber so always I'm rather late...