Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/25

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Subject: [Leica] RE:Shapes and colors
From: Félix López de Maturana <>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 00:01:38 +0100

Some days ago I was walking on the small fishermen harbour which is near
home. After some digital months I was back to my Leica R8 and the colors of
the boats, the walls where fishermen used to clean their brushes and their
accessories gave me some images. Here is the result 

I think that they are not indeed great pictures but I hope they are
different. They reflect, anyway, my view of this nice port where I finish my
Sunday lonely walks -generally people prefer the beach at least in summer-.
I always loved color and simple shapes. Besides, there is lots of space for
my dog. 



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Replies: Reply from "Eric" <> ([Leica] Re: Shapes and colors)
Reply from Ted Grant <> (Re: [Leica] RE:Shapes and colors)