Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/20

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Photography permits
From: "Kit McChesney" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 21:09:23 -0700

In countries in the developing world, it is considered impolite not to
compensate (where I traveled, they call it "matabiche") a subject for the
privilege of photographing him or her. When I spent time on the border of
Rwanda and the former Zaire, folks expected a little something to compensate
them for their time. It made sense. We were taking something from them in
the form of an image, and they wanted a little token of our gratitude in
return. I gladly gave them whatever I could. In the late 80s, the "currency"
of choice at that time for schoolchildren was the BIC pen. They would run at
us, delighted to be photographed, and at the same time, squealing "Beec!
Beec!" their way of pronouncing "BIC." I could have given away 55 gallon
drums full of them had I had them with me. 



Jerry Lehrer noted:


Completely correct.   I was only talking about the FEE to photograph
something,  not the cost of getting there, or an entrance fee.


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