Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/18

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Dover USAF base photography & military funerals
From: "Kit McChesney" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 20:40:57 -0700

I'd also say that the power and energy that have actually created the
society that you admire, Ruben, comes from people who have not been
satisfied with the status quo, who have pushed for more human rights, for
all people, by constantly criticizing the U.S. government and its policies.
The founding fathers did write a document about all "men" being created
equal. But they excluded those who had been enslaved from that equation.
They were themselves slaveowners and somehow refused to see the hypocrisy of
their ways. 

Only the civil rights movement, women's suffrage, the GLBT rights movement,
organized labor, and a slew of other groups of people in struggle have
helped create the society that you admire. And it is only through constant
vigilance that we can ensure that those rights are maintained and respected.



Ruben wrote:


First of all this is in no way an attack on people of islamic faith nor 
on people with aa other ethnic background then my own

"I think that they are definetly they"
I have no respect nor can I in any way feel sorry for people who kills 
inocent women and children
I have no respect for people that proclaims a fatwa on you if you 
critises their religion
Why is it that all muslim countries are poor
Why is it when a country becomes muslim it turns even poorer
Why is it that in Muslim states analfabetism is so much higher then in 
other societys
Why is it that no Mulsim state practice basic Human rights
Why is it that the royal family of Saudi Arabia spend 250 mi USD on 
sommer hollyday in spain ech year and the al queda bombs western targets
I do not find that I have problems with freedom of speech - I do think 
that woman have the same rights as me
I dont want to force feed "them" anything - I they are just as stupid 
after 300 years behind closed doors then fine with me but please do not 
force me to deal with individuals who totally lack respect for what  I 
stand for.
I think that blaming USA for all evil is far out and I think that so 
much good has happend because of the USA
You can vote - you can get your neigbour to vote - you can stop ignoring 
homless people - you can accept paying more taxes and get better welfare 
- - you are a part of a great nation and have a responsibility to keep on 
making it a greater nation - but only because you are a part of a free world
What is by the way wrong in sharing that with other nations
Your current president may be a jerk but if it had not been for USA the 
whole world would either been Nazi or Communist
You should be damn proud of that and you should be proud that you live 
in a part of the world  were if you really want you can make a difference

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