Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/10/21

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Subject: Re: [Leica] to crop or not to crop
From: "Jorge M. TreviƱo" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 15:03:41 -0500
References: <>


Almost by definition, Leicas are imprecise framing cameras.

As much as I hate loosing any of the meager "real state" of 35mm, with most
of the 35mm cameras I use (Leica M6, MP, IIIf; Nikon FM2) I would never be
able to preview the exact framing that I'm getting on film so cropping is
the rule of the game. You are of course aware that the framing of
rangefinders vary with the subject distance and the lens in use. SLR's crop
as much as 10% of the film area in the viewfinder so it's also a guessing
game. So far, the only 100% (actually 98%) viewfinders that I know are the
Nikon F and F2 and the Rollei 6000 series. I also have a 4x5 field camera
but there the framing depends on the film holder used.

FWIW, I get my black frames in the darkroom (a medium sized hassle) or in

- --Jorge.

* * * *  * * * *
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Liam Maloney" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:29 PM
Subject: [Leica] to crop or not to crop

> I confess - I hate cropping my photos. In fact, I
> almost never do it. I know, I know, I'll never make it
> as a photographer if I don't crop - I just don't like
> doing it. I have this idea that cropping somehow takes
> away from the purity of the moment I captured in the
> viewfinder. More sensible people would look at my work
> and find a way to crop (and improve)every single image
> in my portfolio. But I argue that a good photographer
> learns to get better by printing full frame.
> Anyone else feel this way?
> FWIW, I haven't decided which version of Steve's ICU
> photo I like better. Full frame as a part of a picture
> story, cropped as a single image, I think. Nice work.
> -Liam
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In reply to: Message from Liam Maloney <> ([Leica] to crop or not to crop)