Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/10/20

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Subject: RE: [Leica] CV 50mm Nokton 1.5 vs used Sumicron
From: "B. D. Colen" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 13:59:59 -0400

Aren't we talking SummiLUX and Nokton?

- -----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jorge M.
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] CV 50mm Nokton 1.5 vs used Sumicron


I presently own a Nokton 50 and a current Summicron-M 50. For sharpness
in the center and field, they cannot be distinguished. The Nokton wins
on sharpness in the corners.

Contrast; the Summicron wins by a slight margin.

Resistance to flare; the 'cron wins by KO (I've never had a lens so
flare-proof. For a sample check:

Construction; the 'cron wins by a 10:8 margin but the Nokton finish is
nicer --black enamel over brass-- Albeit not very durable, mine is
starting to brass already. Both have equally smooth focusing and
diaphragm actions.

Aperture; the Nok' wins by 2:1 :-)

Price; <$300 new vs $700 used if you want a current version lens.
Previous versions can be had for less but not all are on par with the
current one.

Bokeh -oh that elusive concept!- it can safely be said that the
Summicron has the better bokeh, but then you won't find many lenses,
including those from Leica that can compare with it. I do not find the
Nokton bokeh ugly or excessively harsh but that's only my personal
opinion. However, those who label it thus, should be made to use a
Nikkor 50/1.4 for a few months to learn what ugly and harsh boke is.

On day to day shooting situations, it really takes a superbly trained
eye to distinguish which lens made what. I usually carry both; the Nok'
on a body loaded with C41 film and the 'cron on another loaded with B&W;
thus I frequently shoot the same scene with both and believe me that
both are very fine lenses but, summing up, the Summicron reflects its
heritage and price while The Nokton is by any standard a top contender
that is a genuine steal.

- --Jorge.

* * * *  * * * *

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "jeffwill" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 1:31 PM
Subject: [Leica] CV 50mm Nokton 1.5 vs used Sumicron

> Has anyone got nice things to say about the CV 50mm Nokton? I am 
> contemplating either a new Nokton or used 50mm Sumicron due to a 
> limited budget. I suspect I already know the answer to the question  
> :-)  but has anyone been pleasantly surprised by the performance of 
> the Nokton vs the sumicron? Kind regards
> Jeff the kiwi
> --
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