Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/10/14

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Subject: [Leica] Ebay-fraud?
From: Karen Nakamura <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 08:25:18 -0500
References: <><001b01c391c2$f2036ea0 $><009801c391ec$ee3584a0$> <>

There seems to be a new ebay fraud going around. Soon after an 
unsuccessful bid for a 35mm f/2 Summicron ASPH, I received these two 
e-mails in quick succession. Both are rather silly. The first claims 
that there will be ebay Fraud protection for a private transaction, 
the second claims profits are going to a charity home for homeless 
kids, yeah right.


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To member:   nasukaren
 From member: spock065

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I saw that you have bidded on  Leica M-35mm Summicron f/2.0 Chrome    recently.
I want to inform you that I have one too Leica M-35mm Summicron f/2.0 Chrome
and I was wondering if you want to buy it outside
ebay. I am willing to sell this for 740 USD (shipping and handling
I am a registered and serious seller on eBay. If you want I could ask
eBay to contact you and certify I am indeed serious and trustworthy.
This transaction will also be covered under eBay's Fraud Protection
I don't want to list the unit again because of the
scammers on eBay. It is pretty expensive just to list
them on eBay.
Please let me know as soon as possibleif you want this or not.
                                     Eugene Abano

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All'utente:   nasukaren
Dall'utente: mortisiamortimer

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Dear eBay user,

  Please excuse me if I disturb you in any way but I've noticed you 
are intersted inLeica M-35mm Summicron f/2.0 Chrome ASPH  Item 
number: 2955960440    .I would like to let you know that I have the 
same product for a lower price 800$.If you find yourself intersted in 
this product please feel free to email me at can check my feedback:mortisiamortimer 
and see how many people were satisfied with my services!Please know 
that the money I will be collecting from you are being collected in a 
charity operation that helps the homeless children!

Once again forgive me if I disturbed you and thank you for your time!

- --------------------
Questa email �stata inviata da un utente eBay tramite il sistema di 
inoltro delle email eBay.
Se rispondi all'email, la tua risposta sar�inviata direttamente all'utente.

eBay non tollera alcuna forma di spamming (email indesiderate di 
carattere commerciale) e, per proteggere i propri utenti da questo 
abuso, sta
adottando delle nuove strategie. Ti ricordiamo anche che qualsiasi invito
  a comprare o vendere oggetti all'esterno di eBay vセ値a il regolamento eBay e
per tali operazioni non vengono garantiti i servizi attivati a 
protezione degli utenti, quali il feedback e il programma di 
protezione dalle frodi. Se questa offerta sollecita acquisti o 
vendite di oggetti all'esterno di eBay,
non partecipare. Per ulteriori informazioni immetti il seguente link 
nel browser:

- -- 
Karen Nakamura
- --
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Replies: Reply from "Eric" <> ([Leica] Re: Ebay-fraud?)
Reply from "Jim McIntyre" <> (Re: [Leica] Ebay-fraud?)
In reply to: Message from Alastair Firkin <> (Re: [Leica] Family of Man 2)
Message from "Steve Barbour" <> (Re: [Leica] Family of Man 2)
Message from "firkin" <> ([Leica] Re: Family of Man 2)