Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/07/21

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Focussing Noctilux and 75 Summulix in low light
From: Dan C <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 13:34:42 -0400
References: <>

Remind me again how much we pay for these cameras and lenses?

dan c.

At 12:18 PM 21-07-03 -0500, George Lottermoser wrote:
> (Rick Dykstra)7/19/03
>>I've found it useful to do focus tests with these long and fast lenses, 
>>to learn them, to get to know them.   Once I've focussed the 
>>rangefinder, I'll give the lens the tiniest tweak to clockwise and then 
>>'click'.  Works!
>Iąd highly recommend that anyone using Leica rangefinders focus test every
lens and body combinaton. As Iąve been missing some focus lately;Iąve
tested all four lenses (28, 35, 50, 75) on two bodies and found that each
lens focuses at a dfferent point on each body and in no case does the focus
hit the mark intended by the rangefinder. So neither body is currently set
correctly. Nor are any of the lenses. So everythingąs off to Don Goldberg.
>Fond regards,
>G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist
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