Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/07/18

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Bath time
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 17:10:28 -0500

Beyond priceless, beyond funny, this photograph makes it to magnificently perfect - compositionaly, tension in angle of ladder, color, irony, perfect catch of brush under arm while the ³tickled² laughs, lighting sculpting the worker¹s arm. Simply a perfect example of photographic art - only a still photograph could do this subject justice.

Kudos Graham! Enter it in every competition available. You should win cameras, films, memory cards, cash, lenses, cars, et al. (bdcolen)7/18/03

>THAT is priceless!
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of GeeBee
>Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 4:02 PM
>To: LUG
>Subject: [Leica] Bath time

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

<€>Peace<€>   <€>Harmony<€>  <€>Stewardship<€>

Presenting effective messages in beautiful ways
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voice                              262 241 9375 
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                      Lotter Moser & Associates
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Replies: Reply from "animal" <> (Re: [Leica] Bath time)