Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/07/01

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Documentary Photography 2003
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:08:58 -0500 (Greg J. Lorenzo)7/1/03

>I hate to say it but have you considered that maybe being a little more 
>verbally assertive with these people would have forced them to back off? 
>I'm not suggesting that you should ever go beyond that but rather you 
>seem to know what your rights were and are in these type of situations 
>why not demand them?
>As you've said these were rent-a-cops overstepping the bounds of what's 

I believe that I took each verbal exchange to our mutual limit. I have a pretty good feel for when someone is about to łlose it,˛ including myself. And I choose not push others, or myself into łloosing it.˛ On those points which I felt confident in knowing my rights I expressed my rights, courteously and powerfully, which made them angry. When they started talking about throwing me out. I told them to speak civily to me. Noone needs get thrown anywhere. At other times they maintained authority, siting rules which I had now knowledge of and had to take their word for, such as, łany professional photographers are required to have permits before bringing professional gear onto the grounds.˛ I asked them where that is posted and thatąs when the discussion shifted to bodys being thrown about.

The bottom line comes down to: I was on their turf (arguably private property opened to a paying public) where their rules and rule book was not accessable to me. I have since researched the actual łmedia permit requirements of the venue˛ and will follow up with reasonable complaints and according to their procedures.

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

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