Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/06/26

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Subject: RE: [Leica] R8/R9 Digital Back announced
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 17:30:59 -0500 (bdcolen)6/26/03

>I really think it's a hoot to see someone say that 
>Their 21 would get more use as a 29 - why own a 21? Sell it and get a 

BD, I didnąt say I never used it. And I have the M 28; which gets a lot more use.

>And a 35 does fine as a 48? Not in my bag - a 48 is a 50, which I 
>hardly ever use; a 35 is a moderate wide angle, and I use it all the 

My most used kit = M 35, M 75

>As to the rest, yes, a 60 macro as an 82 probably is an 
>improvement, but the rest? I own a 180 and that's it - I have no use for 
>long telephotos.

Thatąs what makes it all so much fun - different strokes for different folks.

>I really love the rationalization here. If these converted focal lengths 
>are improvements, why own the lenses you now own?

Iąm not rationalizing anything. Iąm simply enjoying łwhat if?˛
What if it was late 2004?
What if I could afford the damn thing?
What if I slapped it on my R8 with the glass Iąve got?
How would that feel?

>I choose the lenses I choose because they are the focal lengths I want.

Of course.
However, given what ya got, what can you do with it on any given digital body/back (if the need or opportunity arose)?

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

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