Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/05/03
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]At 12:27 PM 5/3/02 -0700, Javier Perez wrote: >Oh no not me! >If Samyang were to come out with better lenses than >Leitz I'de buy them instead. I may be a Leicahead but >I'm no Leicahole! > >I've heard that Zeiss and Leitz have a rivalry going >but if Canon has IS it would make them the brand to >beat. Not sure exactly how IS works but it's not >expensive since they have it on at least 1 under 500 >zoom. It seems like the perfect technology for binocs >and telescopes now that I think of it. It's scarey to >think of how far ahead Canon seems to be in >technology. Well, Zeiss introduced their 20x60 stabiliized binoculars some years before Canon introduced their IS glasses. The Zeiss technology is actually new, while the Canon method was first developed at Mount Wilson observatory in the early 1950's -- one of the first CL Strong Amatuer Scientist columns in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN describes this. So Canon's technology is not new nor is it remotely akin to anything used by the US military. It is a quite workmanlike system mounted on quite workmanlike optics. In the end, you get $500 worth of value for $500. You are still going to pay two or three times that, however, for a decent pair of binoculars Marc FAX: +276/343-7315 Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir! - -- To unsubscribe, see