Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/11/12

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Subject: RE:[Leica] Canon EOS for Leica-style...sorry!
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:45:30 +0100

< wrote:
> Does anybody have experience of the Canon EOS 24/1.4 or 85/1.2 lenses? I'm
tempted to try them to extend my available light shooting <longer and wider,
and would be very interested to hear about their quality wide open and any
problems of focusing them in low light.
> Simon.
> --
<Simon Simon Simon! You pushed my button.
<You don't post much i checked the archives and you were selling your R8
<running two rolls though it because it didn't work well with your Viso
<You love the M system. ?????
<Now this.
<Could an R8 possibly be a quicker working camera with R optics instead of
Viso optics?

<What could be remotely Leica-style about Canon EOS of all systems? I'm
thinking perhaps...nothing?
<How about a Nikon 24/1.9 or 85 mm 1.4 lenses?
<How about a Minolta 24mm or 85 mm lenses?
<How about a Pentax 24mm or 85 mm lenses?
<How about a Contax 24mm or 85 mm lenses?
<are we getting distracted here? So many cameras, so little time! :)

<These particular Leica R focal lengths are 2.8's.
<Leica has the awesome 35mm Summilux 1.4, but no fast 24.
<But someone would buy into a whole new system just to get a 24 or 85 with a
<chunk of glass on the front?

<Leica M's have got some the best fast optics and these are optics which can
<used wide open in effect giving you the fastest quality shooting you can
<We've got the Awesome now classic 75 1.4. And the best short telephoto in
<photography bar none the 90 apo Asph Summicron.
<I need a stop more than that so we've got to talk about Canon EOS lenses on
<Leica users group?
<We've got the 75.

<More pros and smart amateurs by far use EOS than any other gear by far.
<LESS pros and smart amateurs by far use Leica than any other gear by far.

<Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but We've got the opposite end
<the market and the opposite mindset. We're not into whizz bang micromotor
<We're not into mass micromotor instant EOS gratification.

<I'm sorry folks but to me a Leica user lover Canon EOS is a red flag. snort
<This is not a general photography list. The last OT thing I'd vote to hear
<is the *&^% EOS cameras.
<Most of my pro and serious pals sold their beautiful Nikons for the then
<AF'ing Canons.
<They sold out like lemmings.
<Then of course Nikon leapfrogged ahead.
<I laughed (the traitors) but WHO CARES!!!??? Not me. I switched to Leica
<has the the most amazing AF in the market. Me. When i shoot I AM AF. I
<think, I shoot. I don't need batteries.
<I'm not going to buy a Canon or Nikon Body in effect getting into their
<just so i can shoot their 24 or 85 1.4 lenses.
<We're well covered. Well represented by Leica in the 35mm format

<This particular thread (It's not your fault Simon you'd have no way of
<would be less personally annoying of a thread for me if it was prefaced by
<vignette about how the ones shots were stunted by lack of 1.4  glass in
<particular focal lengths.

<How that 24mm shot of a million had just a tad to much camera shake or
<have benefited from an extreme ultrathin selective focus approach. So near
<so far. Just out of reach.
<Tell us about the shots you missed!!
<What made you go shopping?
<WHY are we talking EOS!?

<You are NOT going to get wide open bokeh or contrast or resolution with
<like we get with Leica.
<That's why we haven't joined the mindless masses buying the latest best
<This last decade it's Canon that's the white hot thing.
<But Leica using is a perennial. We are the elite way to shoot 35mm EVERY
<not just this one.
<Our cameras are classics. The M6 is a classic. The R8 is a CLASSIC.

<I'd certainly rather hear endless OT talk about fountain pens and single
<scotch than the latest rundown on Canon EOS stupid silent wave white

<It's not the question that bugs me. It's the endless answers. Canon EOS
banter. Retch!

<But that's just me!

<Mark Rabiner

<Portland, Oregon


What a long email to say you are a "traitor". Off topic is something that
some men that have bet for Leica wish not hear... You have not married Leica
you just have used it. It`s only some pieces of metal and cristal...I use a
lot of them too and I'm satisfied but I can carry my Canon bag with no

Of course I'm not starting some flame so I'll email privately out of high
priests of this religion

Kind regards


PD: You are a lot more important that your camera...

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