Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/05/25

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Subject: RE: [Leica] it's baaaaaaaaaaaaack
From: Tom Finnegan <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 09:20:44 -0700

Further to the above weekend activities, my wife and I both turn 72, her
today, me on Sunday!  So guess what...... there are going to be one hell of
a lot of pictures taken during this weekend. :-)

Have a good one everybody wherever you may live. :-) Oh yes and please have
some fun along with us, go take pictures! :-)

Ted Grant Photography Limited

Hey, yesterday was my birthday! I'm now exactly half as old as Ted. I guess
that would make me half as wise as well.

Oh, and I'd like to thank everybody for calling a LUG holiday in honor of my
birthday yesterday. It was really quite touching. It was also quite timely
as work is frantically busy right now. I actually got some work done! With
the long weekend coming up here in the states I intend to take off from work
and run a bunch of film through the cameras.

Tom (young whipper snapper) Finnegan