Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/04/07

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: metering middle grey
From: Walter S Delesandri <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 19:22:23 -0500 (CDT)

some spot meters (soligar 1%) are calibrated intentionally 
for caucasian skin....the 'lighter' side....this would 
correspond to approximately zone VI or one stop 
hotter than "middle" gray....just what the Minolta said!!!

also, there used to be a "k" factor in camera repair talk...
this was an intentional bias of (usually) overexposure 
to correspond more closely with the 'latitude' of print films...
I know this was a factor in the seventies, don't know about 

Lastly, the MR4 is neat and cute and I used them for years...
BUT, that size of meter movement can't be expected to give 
"pro" resolution of readings or accuracy...I don't care WHOSE 
name is on them!!!

In addition, with Leica's track record in adjusting rangefinders, 
why would ANYBODY trust their meters?  Without establishing, 
at the least, a 'personal' ISO..........

Cheers, Walt