Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/02/05
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Jeffrey Hausner wrote: > > Greetings Mark! snip Unfortunately, his eyes are presently in use by > someone else. > snip You are of course on the long run right. My overall impression that comes to mind in my semi defense is the hordes of HCB wanabes out there trying to blend into the masonry with their Nikon slr's and 35mm lenses. On the technical side they are at a disadvantage because HCB used a rangefinder camera with 50mm lens and perhaps was trying not as hard to blend into the masonry as we once thought. The fact that the differences in hardware are not minor is made when one finally gets to shoot with a rangefinder and a fifty. The qualities that one admires in HCB's work (the intimate formalism?) become much more attainable. What the hordes might have in their favor is the fact that they are out there shooting and in the process constantly developing their eye. And this is an advantage over an occasional weekend shooter with the more appropriate equiptment. And yes I am aware HCB didn't do darkroom. Mark :-) Rabiner