Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/11/28

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Subject: [Leica] Why R sales down...
From: Andrew Nemeth <>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 98 16:57:40 +1100

>Why would R sales be down so much, unless it 
>is competing with the M system?

As a reasonably new Leica convert, I personally didn't 
buy the R8 because of the lack of winder built in (2x 
the bulk of a Nikon F90x and no motor?...) and because
the separate winder uses very weird batteries (Lithium 
D123As) which deliver only a 15 roll capacity before 
having to load new cells.

Also, all the R8 exposure/ metering combos were meanlingless
to me as I always expose via manual and meter hand-held
using a Gossen Digital Sixtomat/F.

Just my 2ยข...

Andrew Nemeth
VR Multimedia  Photo  Java

P.S.  Could I suggest that contributors to the LUG list
not block-quote *whole* letters in a thread?  Rather,
summarise or just quote a line or two.  As it stands,
about 30% of a typical LUG archive mailing consists of
already posted material.  :^(