Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/11/22

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Camera choice
From: Ted Bradshaw <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 09:00:20 +0000

Eric wrote:

>I can't understand people who own a whole brace of different
>brands, who then think us R users strange. I would have a heck of a time
>jumping between different camera lines all the time. I like simplicity of
>use, and Leica R and M together are the best going combination for me.

Surely the key words here are "for me". Eric's needs are those of the
professional: many of us here are amateurs and can please ourselves at all
times when it comes to choosing and using equipment . The fact that Eric
cannot understand other people using a range of camera brands does not make
their decision invalid, illogical or incomprehensible. It would be pointless
for someone needing a larger negative to search for a Leica in rollfilm
format, for example. 

Then there is the financial question to consider. I would happily use Leica R
if I could afford it, but I am obliged, perfectly happily I must add, to
continue to use my Canon  FD equipment. It meets my needs well, is utterly
reliable and produces the images I desire. I understand perfectly well why I
use it. And when I feel the need for AF or for light weight coupled with SLR
facilities, I turn to my Minolta equipment and use that. I never have "a heck
of a time jumping between different camera lines", nor do I find myself doing
it "all the time".

Additionally, Dan wrote:

>>>>>For me it is mainly pyshological, I guess.   The M Leica in my eyes is
unique,  and I enjoy using it, probably for just this reason.  There are no
other camera like it, so I can rationalize away the costs of the bodies and
lenses.  SNIP  But the M6 does remain my default camera. <<<<<

My feelings are similar to Dan's. I love using my M2, it is my default camera,
but I must expose myself to ridicule by admitting that my greatest
photographic buzz comes from going out and using a Leica 111 with an Elmar
50/3.5 to produce the photographs that I want. Incomprehensible? Not to me.

Ted Bradshaw.