Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/11/14

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Subject: Re: High end audio [Macintosh] and [Leica] photographic analogies
From: Andre Jean Quintal <>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 02:04:08 -0500

>From: Walter S Delesandri <
[ . . . ]
>Walt, when it comes to hifi, I think you gotta go with whatever helps you to
>enjoy the music more, and while it was nice to know that Mark Levinson Audio
>Systems was promising that my ML-1 was essentially guaranteed to give
>like-new performance, regardless of age, these things were sonically
>eclipsed long ago by far less expensive products, so dunno if this has
>proven to be a big deal in the long run. Ask them (Madrigal, or whoever owns
>the rights to the ML brand name these days) to update it to 1998
>performance, and I can just imagine that response *that* inquiry will get!
>Fortunately, you can get modern performance out of any M-series Leica simply
	A L-O-T of experience went in the design of the first
	LEICA M cameras : the basics are still 100% OK
	to put out outstanding photos more than 50 years
	later, assuming an informed updating program
	by each owner who may value "state-of-the-art".
	[ Some people simply don't ! ]

	Some may prefer other brands' product philosophy
	or have bought into their marketing programs
	more or less aware of the relative value
	of the competitors' offerings.

	Is not the end purpose of it all
	to enjoy life better ?

	Assuming a manufacturer and his products
	will not evolve runs contrary to Common Sense.

	Some products are bought on the promise ( + premise ! )
	of long life, but doesn't it make a lot of sense
	to focus on the UTILITY of what one buys ?
	What's the PURPOSE of a product ?
	It's "nominal" function (s) or the associated
	symbolics ?
	What of psychological function ?
	What of social function ?
	Beyond the merely technical . . . and aesthetic.

	Mark Levinson, however, just can't be said
	to be "Joe's basement", . . . i would hope !

	Nor Bryston (to ANYone who has examined
	the 20-year-warranty product Chris Russell
	and his people make for 2 seconds or more) !

	The magnificent ( MAGNIFICENT ! ) current
	Mark Levinson ( look at those "33" babies ! )
	m-i-g-h-t justify a Mark Levinson "customer"
	to consider spending on a model upgrade.
	It may cost you, but the performance
	definitely is there !
	. . . And the craftsmanship !

	My advice would be, however, to make sure
	one's loudspeakers and source are state-of-the-
	art, because such electronics may well "still" [ ! ]
	justify such a quest.

	The exact same for LEICA "customers":
	a lot has happened during the last 25 years !

	Would i be involved in LEICA retail sales,
	i very definitely would make extra sure ALL
	my customers know about the latest developments
	from LEICA : all stand to gain.

	A Mark Levinson system in my home ?
	Would i ever flip !

	Some people got it all ! ! !

	Don't tell me you ALSO drive a Porsche Boxster or 911,
	AND fly a Mooney 233 or Canadair Challenger 604
	AND own a Breitling 'Spatiographe' watch . . .
	AND Martin-Logan Monolith III speakers !

	OK !  OK ! You LIVE on a "Santa Cruz" racing
	yacht . . . Life is tough !

	With a jealous grin ... and smile,

	Andre Jean Quintal