Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/11/14

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From: (Ted Grant)
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 22:34:51 -0800

Walter S Delesandri wrote:

>R.e the price of the Abrahamson (sp?) release buttons : look at the
>m4-2-M6 rapid winder!!  ("leicavit")  -- you can buy a NEW, CURRENT
>motor in the most expensie salon store CHEAPER!!!  Any good Japanese
>kitchen appliance manufacturer could make a good one for $39.95 retail.

Gee Walt,

You sure know your photo business. Boy I didn't know the Japanese were
making a winder for the M camera at the great price of $39.95. I should get
some in here to Canada for resale, as the "latest M winder" made by Leica
retails for:

<<<<<<<a NEW, CURRENT motor in the most expensie salon store CHEAPER!!!>>>>>>>

as you put it,  at the really cheap price of $900.00 plus taxes which adds
another 15%. And that doesn't include batteries! How's that grab you for
And it makes a hell of a racket to boot!

Now that's way "CHEAPER" than Tom's silent Rapidwinder!

Excuse me for asking. But have you ever had one of his Rapidwinder's on an
M6 and used it? I mean really used it? Like during the heat of battle on an
exciting fast moving assignment!

Or during an assignment where you can almost hear people breathing and you
don't want them to know you are taking their pictures? And you shoot, then
need to advance without them knowing you are doing it. Yep you're right, it
can be done with the normal winder leaver! However in case your not a "left
eyed" M user you'll not have any idea of what I'm talking about, as you'll
never have to worry about poking out your right eye while trying to advance
without taking the camera away from your seeing eye.

If you happen to have an M camera kicking around there, put it to your left
eye and then try to advance while still looking through the viewfinder. If
you accidentally poke yer eye out don't come crying to me about "CHEAPER

Besides if you are comparing the Leicavit with the Rapidwinder you are
sadly mistaken, as the Leicavit was a mickey mouse piece of gear like
comparing a $39.95 food winder to a Mercedes Rapidwinder of the quality in
the M camera itself.

>As for the flames from Mr. Abrahamson and his yes men, YES, I certainly
>understand the problems of making a limited production product for an
>elitist market -blahblahblah-  THATs NOT MY PROBLEM>  I know it's a
>labor of love and you had to sell your kids' shoes to make that last
>production run................I've heard it all in high-end audio.

As for the flames? You start 'em, you can expect a warming of the pants,:)
but not a flame!  On this subject of the Rapidwinder I'm afraid you know
not of what you speak sir.

When you have used one for a wee bit then come forth and we can discuss
this once again on a more serious note. Thank you, sir.

>BTW, Nigel, the reason I don't like the soft releases made and sold
>under a dozen importer names, is that I don't like the cheap finish.
>SOME might feel that finish is worth the extra $8.  Since I carry my
>leicas in a bag, I quit using them because the bag tripped the shutter
>everytime I moved (if it was cocked).>>>>>>>

Well now Walt old fella, here you go again making downer remarks about a
well made product without ever having the "feel nor use of one." You see
these are not the nickel and dime things made in plastic or cheap materials
as you refer. They are made equal to the quality of the M cameras they fit.
Or any other camera one wishes to install them on.

By golly you sure know how to put folks off a tad goin' on about things
you've never had in hand. That's OK though, as everyone is allowed their
opinion. But there are so many folks on the LUG who actually use both the
Rapidwinder and soft releases for "working time" Walt, that maybe, just
maybe you might like to know that the photographers shooting for MAGNUM who
use M cameras, use both the Rapidwinder and soft releases. Now they're cool
shooters, but the LUGNUTS using them are even "cooler!" :) :)

I think that might say something. well OK maybe not for a person of your
experience, but for a one eyed old son of like me, both items
particularly the Rapidwinder, gave a whole new meaning to a working
photographer with 48 years experience and I'm still shooting! So sir, I do
know of what I speak!

No hard feelings old buddy, just one old guy talking to another, as I take
it from yer posts you are gettin' on like me. :) And I'm never goin' cause
the devil wont take me and God wont have me. I'm here forever!:) So let's
take care out there when we shoot at things Leica which we have never had
experience of. Thanks.
