Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/10/29

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Subject: [Leica] BRIAN REID: DO NOT DARE TO READ THIS! Everyone else, dig in!
From: (Jim Brick)
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 15:58:56 -0800

Thanks Marc for the boost. This has only been the first week. A couple of
more mail days to go this week. But at this rate, we'll need another six to
eight weeks to meet the goal. Please do not procrastinate. Let's get it done.

And many many thanks to you folks I've heard from so far. I've already
received cash via snail mail from England! Way to go BPO & USMail.

Thanks Brian, for the LUG, and hopefully, from the LUG.


At 06:41 PM 10/29/98 -0500, you wrote:
>If you've not heard, we are assaying to raise some money to reimburse Brian
>Reid, our SYSOP, for his many years of mighty and dynamic service to both
>the LUG and the Rollei List.
>We would appreciate your sending a small contribution in care of Jim Brick,
>made payable to Keeble & Shuchat Photography, and marked in the memo block,
>"for account 5867".  Jim's address is:
>Jim Brick
>820 Sweetbay Drive
>Sunnyvale California 94086
>KSP does not wish to handle the accounting:  Jim will collect the funds and
>take the monies down to the store.  We are attempting to raise around
>$2,000 so Brian can buy his desired M6 -- guys, there are around 600 folks
>on the LUG and LUG-Digest, and around 350 on the Rollei List and Digest, so
>it won't take a large contribution from anyone to get this project knocked
>out and knocked dead, real fast.
>We all enjoy the LUG and/or the Rollei List:  heck, my day isn't complete
>unless I've insulted half of you personally and in depth.  Let's pay for
>the privilege:  this is a minor charge for us to bear to recomponse the
>fellow who makes this all possible.
>Heave in, guys, and get those funds a-flowing!
>Marc Small
>Rollei List Administrator
>  FAX:  +540/343-7315
>Cha robh bas fir gun ghras fir!
Jim Brick, ASMP, BIAA
Photo Access
(650) 470-1132
Visual Impressions Publishing
Visual Impressions Photography
(408) 296-1629