Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/10/28

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Subject: [Leica] darkroom demise
From: (David Morton)
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 18:37 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

This is from the BJP newsletter:

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The Guardian and The Observer is closing their wet darkroom this week
after a long and distinguished history with six of the darkroom
technicians facing an uncertain future, although some positions will
available in the scanning department, writes Reuel Golden.

The closure is a sign of the times as papers become more reliant on
digital technology and picture desks increasingly source picture
agencies for images, rather than using staff photographers For
this year Guardian Newspapers Ltd signed a contract with Allsport
for an annual retainer, it can use editorially as many pictures as it
likes taken by agency photographers.

In this digital environment, where pictures are electronically
captured, stored and transmitted, it is believed that management
the group regarded a space-consuming, 18-hour seven-day operation as
economically unviable.

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Put another way, if you're a film-only-based freelance working for
the UK nationals, it's time to find another career...

David Morton
(+44) 171 917 6272