Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/10/21
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Well, I'm going to see if the changes we've made will eliminate these attachments which only digests seem to be getting from us.... In the meantime, RE the R7, I wrote B&H and they are no longer stocking it. CW of Oregon has it listed in print, but not on their website. ADORAMA seems the next best bet. But since I'll still be in Europe a bit longer I'm not sure how long their stocks will last. Unless I can get it new at the lowest reduced price, 1395 USD, there seems no point and I can always pick up a used R5 or RE at Kuehl's or Don C's. The point of this is to make mention that the stock of new R7's seems to be fading. Yea? Nay? JG begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(C0!`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &`& !```!````# ````,``# #````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```&$`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!L96EC82UU<V5R<T!M M96IA8RYP86QO+6%L=&\N8V$N=7,`4TU44 !L96EC82UU<V5R<T!M96IA8RYP M86QO+6%L=&\N8V$N=7,`````'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P`0`` M`"(```!L96EC82UU<V5R<T!M96IA8RYP86QO+6%L=&\N8V$N=7,````#`!4, M`0````,`_@\&````'@`!, $````D````)VQE:6-A+75S97)S0&UE:F%C+G!A M;&\M86QT;RYC82YU<R<``@$+, $````G````4TU44#I,14E#02U54T524T!- M14I!0RY004Q/+4%,5$\N0T$N55,```,``#D`````"P! .@$````"`?8/`0`` M``0````````#EDH!"( '`!@```!)4$TN36EC<F]S;V9T($UA:6PN3F]T90`Q M" $$@ $`'0```%-6.B!,96EC82!5<V5R<R!D:6=E<W0@5C0@(S8`U@@!!8 # M``X```#.!PH`%@`"`!L`%@`$`"P!`2" `P`.````S@<*`!8``@`4`#8`! !% M`0$)@ $`(0```#-!-SDT,S9#0D(V.$0R,3%"0S P-#0T-34S-30P,# P`-4& M`0.0!@`H! ``$@````L`(P```````P`F```````+`"D```````,`-@`````` M0 `Y`,#]0AY;_;T!'@!P``$````=````4U8Z($QE:6-A(%5S97)S(&1I9V5S M="!6-" C-@`````"`7$``0```!8````!O?U;'C)L0WD[:+L1TKP`1$535 `` M```>`!X,`0````4```!33510`````!X`'PP!````"0```&%I;FEL<V5N```` M``,`!A#56L!<`P`'$.X!```>``@0`0```&4```!714Q,+$E-1T])3D=43U-% M14E&5$A%0TA!3D=%4U=%5D5-041%5TE,3$5,24U)3D%4151(15-%051404-( M345.5%-72$E#2$].3%E$24=%4U134T5%351/0D5'151424Y'1E)/``````(! M"1 !````KP(``*L"``#%`P``3%I&=5XFF/__``H!#P(5`J@%ZP*#`% "\@D" M`&-H"L!S970R-P8`!L,"@S(#Q0(`<')"<1'B<W1E;0*#,_<"Y <3`H,T`T43 M-0=M`H/V-1+,%,5]"H (SPG9`H '"H$-L0M@;F<Q,#1O%6 +"A>2`= @"H4* MA5<`96QL+"!))VT((&=O"X!G('1OLB 1L&4@!I >\&@?4(<1<1N !Y%W92=V M'U#_`, -L"!0`Q #(!X0!W +@.YA$] ?DA&P("' `9 1<*<'@ (P($%H:1%P M( (@X&QY(&1I("$B\1\Q^QZ 'P%B'U @( ) 'L(#4K @=7,N)?$=+$D#H#\? MH@> `' E, > 'D!217D?DU(W'D$@4 -@(=%"Y"9((E!N9!^2([ *P'T?4&X? M$!E@(!$%P!/ ;P1C:Q[":70N($/V5R-P'X!/&= >H .@$8!_!" KD"J ! `3 MT"FP"X @RQ-0"X!T'D!B=05 *F"W!4 L<1^A:07 (&!B`) #$] KL$%$3U)! M38Y!)$,$(!^B;F5X!4!O)- 3P"3!*Z%"+C$`D&[^8Q]0'F A,1/ (2(DT2V! M\D4(<&]P(D$DP"SB*J2;'F(N8G,(<!]0:&\'X/\JDB[%*P,@02$B"V 3P"NP MWE4CD >0!" HT&,#D24!_RS2,. 'X"' 'Y,98"!@,5%]&=%U,D IL"VQ,D > M0#'(,SDU-Y!31!Y 'Z'W*C$P1"IA<!ZQ!4 IDC@4N0= =V$3L"V@(T!K)<#N M<#/A)= M45([( 6Q*"'%.2%+"E!H;"<$( 6QND0L<4,_\"NP'2Q4'['_/(0L M`1^@! `?8#"!'Q `P/YK)V(GL2ZC.24K`ROR..+O*) _\3!%)+-F(- >P2NP M6EDGD#\'L#VP/QTL2A9'"H48\0!)0 `#`! 0``````,`$1 `````0 `', #H HQ#9:_;T!0 `(, #HQ#9:_;T!'@`]``$````%````4U8Z( ````"%)@`' ` end