Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/05/09

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Subject: Re: lab problems.
From: Edward Meyers <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 13:22:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 9 May 1996, Gary J Toop wrote:

> On Thu, 9 May 1996, Edi Weitz wrote:
> > Gary, 
> > I've been trying to collect everything I could find about HCB in the 
> >last three years or so. Unfortunately, in those interviews I found until 
> >today he was only talking about Zen or his Volkswagen Golf or similar 
> >things... :)  
> >
> > It seems that he has refused to talk about technical things or about 
> >photography at all in the last years. 
> >
> > If you still know where you've read those interviews with him talking 
> >about films etc. could you please tell me the sources? Maybe I can find a 
> >library where I can read or xerox-copy them. 
> > Thanks, Edi
> 	I can recall 2 sources at the moment where I think that there was 
> at least some discussion, but my memory is vague.  I believe that Popular 
> Photography did either and interview or a piece which included bits of an 
> interview with HCB where he talked briefly about his technique. I may 
> have a copy of the article at home and if so, I will e-mail you some more 
> information about it later.   
> 	I also remember reading one of the (many) volumes in the Time-Life 
> series on photography in which there is a discussion of HCBs work - it 
> may have been one on Great Photographers, but I am not sure, and again, a 
> short discussion of his techinical practice at the time of writing.
> 	There is a select biliography of writing on and interviews with 
> HCB in the back of the Aperture volume on his work and I believe that 
> they note interviews in both Popular Photography and Modern Photography.  
> If you don't have access to the Aperture volume, I might be able to 
> arrange to send you a photocopy of the bibliography.  
> 	Perhaps Ed Meyers can tell us whether he remembers any interviews 
> with HCB in Pop and Modern Photography over the periods when he worked 
> there. 
> Hope this helps
> Gary Toop
I seem to remember that there was a story in the 60s (before I
arrived at Pop), perhaps by John Durniak, about HCB. I'll ask
Bob Schwalberg when I have lunch with him tomorrow. He has written
about HCB, as he is a friend of HCB. There may have been a story
in Camera Arts also. Same publisher as Pop. Then it may have been
in one of the many annuals published by the Pop people. Ed>   

In reply to: Message from Gary J Toop <> (Re: lab problems.)