Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2017/09/01

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Subject: [Leica] A different twist on the "headshot." The original was shot with a 50mm. Summicron lens on a Leica R4s loaded with Ektar film. Window light from the left; reflector used from the right. Used tripod. No exposure info. Camera set on "P."
From: jackhamilton at (Jack Hamilton)
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 17:47:52 +0000

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Replies: Reply from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] A different twist on the "headshot." The original was shot with a 50mm. Summicron lens on a Leica R4s loaded with Ektar film. Window light from the left; reflector used from the right. Used tripod. No exposure info. Camera set on "P.")