Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2013/01/13

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Subject: [Leica] LUG Day in Barcelona?
From: stasys1 at (Stasys Petravicius)
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 18:40:10 -0800

Hi All- a cruise we are taking will stop in Barcelona for the day- May6th. 
I'd enjoy meeting LLuis again and other Luggers. WE could have a beer and 
take some happy snaos. On our last cruise Miami to LA, my wife Irene found a 
a pair of orange kknock-off Crocs like Ted is desiring for $2. I wore them 
the rest of the cruise. Also- still waiting for my R9/DMR. It has been 
repaired but not delivered to me yet. I presume the next few days. Stasys

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