Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2011/10/15

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Subject: [Leica] Introducing myself
From: j2m46 at (Jean-Michel Mertz)
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 21:04:05 +0200

Hello everyone,I have registered at the LUG mailing list + gallery a few 
days ago and posted a few pictures to to Philippe Amard who 
very gracefully informed me of the challenging topics and exciting pictures 
shared by LUG members.  I started taking pictures back in ... 1964 with a 
rangefinder camera (an Ansco I believe it was), then I bought a Minolta X-1 
and finally switched to Leica gear (M6, IIIc, M8). I have done some lab work 
a few years ago, this is probably why I don't believe, for the time being, 
in bringing too many changes to the pictures I take. I have no favourite 
themes I would work on for days but the way  the light transforms the world 
I live in is something I like to capture - modestly! The reason why there 
are many pictures of the US in my album is because I have family there - as 
well as in Switzerland, a wonderful country for picture taking.I live in 
Strasbourg, in the east of France, close to the German and Swiss borders. A 
special thank you to Geoff Hopkinson who gave me some very sound advice 
before I decided to move from film to digital picture taking. I hope I'll be 
able to keep up with the email volume I get ... almost every second! Thank 
you for your comments and ideas - I'm still in the learning process. 
Jean-Michel (Mertz)                                       

Replies: Reply from corkflor at (Alex Hurst) ([Leica] Introducing myself)
Reply from corkflor at (Alex Hurst) ([Leica] Introducing myself)
Reply from hopsternew at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] Introducing myself)
Reply from imagist3 at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] Introducing myself)
Reply from kanner at (Herbert Kanner) ([Leica] Introducing myself)
Reply from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] [Imagestore] Introducing myself)
Reply from lluisripollquerol at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] Introducing myself)
Reply from ricc at (Ric Carter) ([Leica] Introducing myself)