Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2011/01/08
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Nathan Wajsman asked: Subject: Re: [Leica] FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION. :-) > Yeah, but where's the single malt? And the sushi?? Eh??? <<< No PROBLEMO!! :-) ;-) Oh the maid and personal chef made it up later! But man you should've seen the "MAID!" OH LA LA! Well I wont divulge anything more descriptive than... well? No I better not even intimate that either! ! ;-) But she was?????? just use yer imagination! ;-) Go wild and smile! ;-) cheers, "old doc ted! :-) Feeling great today, :-) thanks to those who inquired the other day. Yeah I did sound rather bitchy, apologies offered! =========== Slight side bar: Today is a million dollar day of sunshine and feeling great! :-) You know if it were ever possible to teach us no matter our fantastic our younger years and life has been or will be when we feel we can whip the world with one hand tied behind our back. That it just ain't going to be like that until the end! We, well those of us who have the good fortune to carry on mobile and feeling usually pretty good past our 80th birthdays. That even then there are going to be days you really wish... "You went horizontal and non-breathing!" :-( Damn on my 80th birthday, I did 81 sit-ups to show "G-pa" could still kick ass! Of course all my boys, grandsons thought it was wonderful! Grand daughters as only women think... "Gpa is showing off!: ;-) :-) But secretively they all (4) gave me great hugs & a kiss!! I think more the fact I survived! ;-) But Nathan... the maid? Umm umm um! ;-)