Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/11/02

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Subject: [Leica] Genuine Leica Portrait
From: montoid at (Montie Talbert)
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 13:41:00 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

Nicely done, Kyle! Looks like it was shot with a Rollei TLR and K64 ;-)


-----Original Message-----
>From: kyle cassidy on the lug <leicaslacker at>
>Sent: Nov 2, 2010 11:27 AM
>To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>Subject: [Leica] Genuine Leica Portrait
>Portrait with the Ur Digilux. Presented to you at FULL RESOLUTION be 
>prepared for a slow download, this puppy is 724k. 
>The 1998 Leica Digilux (the "Ur Digilux") is coveted by portrait 
>photographers because of it's portability and unobtrusiveness. If 
>photographing, for example, the Queen of England, the small size and 
>pleasing shape would put her immediately at ease. Also it's high capacity 
>"Smart Media" card is smart enough to record as many as eleven exposures. 
>This keeps the photographer THINKING rather than BLASTING away. Each shot 
>must be a careful choice. Many of the worlds greatest portrait 
>photographers will use nothing but the original Leica Digilux for their 
>portrait work saying "it is the camera that makes you think, it is the 
>camera that brings you results."

Replies: Reply from leicaslacker at (kyle cassidy on the LUG) ([Leica] Genuine Leica Portrait)