Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/04/05

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Subject: [Leica] IMG GF-1
From: drodgers at (David Rodgers)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 11:27:37 -0400

The more I use the GF-1 the more I like it. I downloaded Lightroom 3
beta to process the raw files (rather than use the software that came
with the camera). I see why people like Lightroom. It will be my primary
imaging application going forward (replacing a number of proprietary
applications, including Capture NX2). 

Over the weekend I used the GF-1 with a Lumedyne system and several
monolights. I'd hoped to use the on-camera flash to fire the remote
strobes. It didn't work due to its pre-image exposure calc flash, which
caused the strobes to fire early. I mounted a small vivitar flash unit
on the hot shoe, and that fired off the strobes just fine. 

I wish that the GF-1 on-camera flash had some kind of commander mode
where you could eliminate the pre-flash, but it doesn't (at least not
that I could find). 

Replies: Reply from imagist3 at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] IMG GF-1)
In reply to: Message from chris at (Chris Crawford) ([Leica] Lightroom newbie)