Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/02/12

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Subject: [Leica] Img: Great Fun in the Digital Darkroom!
From: montoid at (Montie Talbert)
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:41:15 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

Been away from the LUG for a great while, but projects are winding down and 
I hear the MP calling me names while I sleep!

Check out these 8 images I did from one portrait.  The goal was to use 
distort tools in PS to see how many traits/personalities I could get from 
one view.  So far, I have 8...the goal is at least 20...check em out!

Replies: Reply from afirkin at (afirkin at ([Leica] Img: Great Fun in the Digital Darkroom!)
Reply from jhnichols at (Jim Nichols) ([Leica] Img: Great Fun in the Digital Darkroom!)
Reply from lluisripollquerol at (Lluis Ripoll Querol) ([Leica] Img: Great Fun in the Digital Darkroom!)
Reply from philippe.amard at (philippe.amard) ([Leica] Img: Great Fun in the Digital Darkroom!)
Reply from ricc at (Ric Carter) ([Leica] Img: Great Fun in the Digital Darkroom!)