Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/01/02

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Subject: [Leica] Wide angle
From: leica at (R. Clayton McKee)
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 19:20:32 -0600
References: <>, <>, <>

Quoth the Jeff Moore :

> People have
> gotten used to having super-duper-wide glass on the camera.  It
> can't be beat
> if you need to cover a broad sweep of territory.  But once it's
> there on the
> camera...  well, when all you have is a hammer, every problem starts
> to look
> like a nail.  [Who originally said that?]

Shot a press conference yesterday... kind of uncontrolled.  I wound 
up on the front row of cameras, being shoved forward.  At a foot from 
the subject, I decided I didn't like the ultrawide perspective, so 
switched to 24-70 and forced a step back.

Before I could get the camera up to my eye there were four still guys 
and three video cameras between me and the podium.  (I was then about 
30 inches from the subject.)  That was the last I saw of the guy I'd 
been sent to shoot.  There were no Hail Mary shots possible, as there 
was a guy holding a betacam two inches over my head.

I'm very glad I grabbed a couple with the 15 before I backed up.

I'm also very glad I HAD that ultrawide.


R. Clayton McKee                 
Photojournalist                               rcmckee at
P O Box 571900                           voice/fax   713/783-3502
Houston, TX 77257-1900                   cell phone #  on request

Replies: Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Wide angle)
In reply to: Message from jbm at (Jeff Moore) ([Leica] Wide angle)
Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Wide angle)
Message from jbm at (Jeff Moore) ([Leica] Wide angle)