Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/12/27
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]simon jessurun offered: Subject: [Leica] IMG caution kidpic > > > best wishes,simon,amsterdam,neth. Hi Simon, If you haven't uploaded your YEAR BOOK images? One of these are interesting for sure. Unless you've sent your 2 already? :-) Look at it this way.... "are you pleased with it, the photo?" Never mind if it's a super prize winner, that isn't the point as long as you like the photo in your gut. Then go for it. Remember, in the book there isn't any competition aspect! I suppose some want a photo that "they think would win a prize?" But that isn't the reason for uploading. For me it's far more important the 2 pictures I send are images I like. So make your decision yes or no in that manner. If you look at it and say to yourself... "hey not a bad shot and smile? Go for it!" :-) Because in that manner of re-action, it creates a "feel good in your heart!" And you smile. :-) Then click "SEND!" :-) cheers, ted