Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/11/29

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Subject: [Leica] Gun Photos
From: michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema)
Date: Sat Nov 29 15:12:07 2008
References: <7au4gf$> <>

Susan Ryan wrote:
> Funny all the hubbub some portraits of inanimate objects generates.

> Michiel wrote:
> I hate guns. I wish they didn't exist.
> I just don't understand that somebody is proud of having guns, shoot 
> with them and advertise that on the internet.
> Collecting camera's and  make pictures with them, that I understand.
> Substitute the word "guns" with the word "Leicas" and you may get more 
> of a feel for how people who lawfully enjoy guns think and feel. Maybe 
> kind of like us, perhaps?

I knew somebody would make a comparison like this.
Seems a bit odd to compare something harmless like a camera to something 
that is designed to kill.
It might be allowed to own guns in your country but I think that is big 
mistake. I sincerely hope that the new  president will take the right 
measures to ban them out.
At least that will make me feel a bit more safe when visiting the USA. 
And it will be much more effective for safety than all the stupid 
security checks at the airports.


Michiel Fokkema

Replies: Reply from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] Gun Photos)
In reply to: Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Gun Photos)
Message from scoutfinch at (Susan Ryan) ([Leica] Gun Photos)