Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/09/07

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Subject: [Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?
From: imagist3 at (Lottermoser George)
Date: Sun Sep 7 14:16:16 2008
References: <>

In my experience:
too few people have ever spent any amount of time
truly looking at exemplary photographic prints
made by fine print makers.

The auto cameras do make
quite acceptable negatives, slides and/or digital images.
It becomes too easy to be impressed
by what current technology can deliver with ease
(without thought or craft)
off the shelf.
one takes the time
to truly look at the work
of fine craftsmen and women;
which suddenly shifts one
into humble mode.

Fond regards,

On Sep 7, 2008, at 3:40 PM, Mark Rabiner wrote:

> And one of them could make a full scale Ansel Adams quality print.
> Most could never be botherered. And took the first thing which came  
> out
> everything out. Their level of "craft" if you could call it that  
> several
> down from what the process is anywhere near capable of.
> And out of ten people I know printing inkjets most print on junk  
> paper; and
> take first outs; thinking "calibration" replaces craft.
> But I've seen way more top level prints now that people are  
> printing inkjet.
> A lot more people doing it for one.

Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)
Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)
In reply to: Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)