Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/09/07

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Subject: [Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?
From: octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas)
Date: Sun Sep 7 12:45:15 2008
References: <> <> <>

On 07/09/2008, at 21:03, Daniel Ridings wrote:

> The LUG print exchange has some beautiful black-and-white so I'm back
> studying these pages and trying to catch up with where I left off.

I do not hate/like the repetitive parts of darkroom work more than  
scanning, what I really hate is loosing time either in the dark or  
sitting in my computer, so I really appreciate two pieces of gear that  
reduces the time spent on the darkroom greatly, and well worth the  

One, a vertical slot processor, which allows leaving the chemicals  
inside for the next session. Not having to clean everything everytime  
is pure luxury, plus reduces the fumes and oxidation of developer next  
to nothing. I was quite surprised that some developers were still fine  
one month after the last session. Some of those are running for  
peanuts in ebay.

The RH designs analyzer (or zone master), which -among other useful  
things- places tones on a scale based upon precise metering on the  
enlarger's projected image, suggesting both exposure and paper grade  
vanishing the need for a lot of test strips. If you take some time to  
calibrate it for your desired papers, your first print will be fine  
leaving on you the fine tuning of the image. I will buy this one new,  
and althought not cheap, savings in paper and time will pay for it  

btw, is there a lug print exchange?

I feel better, to hell with photography, art, women, and all
E. Weston, 1924

Replies: Reply from marcsmall at (Marc James Small) ([Leica] <sigh> Getting into printing.. need advice?)
Reply from marcsmall at (Marc James Small) ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)
In reply to: Message from ISILVERMN at ( ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)
Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)
Message from dlridings at (Daniel Ridings) ([Leica] Getting into printing.. need advice?)