Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/11/25

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Subject: [Leica] a Leica D lens 4/3 question
From: phamard at (Philippe Amard)
Date: Sun Nov 25 13:38:37 2007
References: <> <>

>> You don't need a focus confirmation ring I think - the L1 has it on  
>> board with the latest software upgrade ; I guess it is the same with  
>> the Oly cousins and you only need to find the right setting then.  
>> (L1 is "release without a lens".
> meaning that you can use a leica R lens on an Olympus E*** with a  
> standard  4/3rd  adapter and get focus confirmation  from the camera ?
> many thanks, Steve

I did not write that I am sure it does on the Oly, but it should/might 
as the L1 (and probably the Digilux 3) does.
It was in the April software upgrade, and when I use the 60 macro 
Elmarit or the Ang?nieuxs or another R mount lens, it works quite 
accurately - green light blinks.
was shot with the x2  extender on and the 70 x3 Angie at 210 - f-5.6 I'd 
say - What I remember is that it was pretty dim in the VF and I used the 
green light, nearly spot on, is it not?

There must be a setting to be adjusted on the Oly, they're basically the 
same cams.

Replies: Reply from kididdoc at (Steve Barbour) ([Leica] a Leica D lens 4/3 question)
In reply to: Message from phamard at ( ([Leica] a Leica D lens 4/3 question)
Message from kididdoc at (Steve Barbour) ([Leica] a Leica D lens 4/3 question)