Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/04/11

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Subject: [Leica] AIPAD this weekend
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Wed Apr 11 22:33:36 2007

On 4/12/07 1:18 AM, "Lew" <> typed:

> If anyone attending sees a grey-haired, pudgy 50ish guy carrying a small,
> beige Domke satchel say hello, it's
> me.
> -Lew
I am also a pudgy 50ish guy who carries a Domke bag. One of a bunch of them.
But today I got a LowePro sling 100 from B&H.
So I'm changing my name to Sling 100 Rabiner and dying my hair cheery cherry
red to match. I now can do cartwheels while out shooting pictures.
Not sure if its worth making it to DC for this meeting I wasn't invited.
You are?

I can see how the Sling 200 might come in handy for certain extenuated
circumstances beyond my control.

More more.

Mark Rabiner
New York, NY

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