Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/03/13

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Subject: [Leica] 6 bit coding for m8 lenses; Sharpie?
From: heninger at (Wade Heninger)
Date: Tue Mar 13 07:35:14 2007

On 3/13/07 8:19 AM, "Robert Rose" <> wrote:

> I had the 35mm coded, but I will wait until I see the result of using the
> filters on the balance of the lenses.  From my results on a 17-55 Nikon
> lens, the IR magenta case doesn't show up until you are at 21mm and below.
> At 17mm it is pronounced.
> For the Noctilux, the vignetting issue seems to be gone since the smaller
> sensor has taken only the "sweet spot" where vignetting is not noticeable.
> For the Tri-Elmar, I plan on waiting to see whether it needs it.  I don't
> know whether the camera is able to detect which of the three focal lengths
> is dialed in, so why bother with the coding?
> Has anyone had luck with the Sharpie method of coding?
> Can we start a petition to ask Leica to put manual coding into the next
> firmware upgrade?

I've tried the sharpie method and it has *not* worked for me.  Not sure why.

Tried a 35, a 50, a 90.  Nada.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
w a d e  h e n i n g e r
u s e r  e x p e r i e n c e
a d o b e  s y s t e m s ,  i n c

In reply to: Message from robert.rose at (Robert Rose) ([Leica] 6 bit coding for m8 lenses; Sharpie?)