Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/02/25

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Subject: [Leica] 90mm Hexanon or Elmarit on M8? -DAS
From: heninger at (Wade Heninger)
Date: Sun Feb 25 08:01:46 2007

On 2/25/07 6:49 AM, "Dante Stella" <> wrote:

> 1. Practically, how usable is the 90mm focal length on an M8 (eq. to
> 118mm)?  I really don't like the 135mm framelines, but with no M8s in
> my area to look at, I have no idea what to expect.

I use my cron' 90 all the time. Its usable.  I ended up ordering the
magnifier to see how it works, but I'm not sure its a necessity for using a

> 2. At the 90mm setting, are the framelines large enough to
> differentiate the focusing spot from the frame?

> 4. How does the 35/1.4 ASPH Summiliux perform on the M8?

My 35 cron works great.

> 5. In practical terms, when traveling, what kind of battery life do
> people get?

I got 600 images on a single battery a few weeks ago.
> I was looking at M8s and figured that buying one would be a good
> excuse to clear out about half of my Nikon AF lenses (the half
> composed of expensive, bulky, seldom-used ones) and one of my less-
> used Fuji 645 cameras - so long as I can fall back on the relatively
> fast Leica-mount primes I already have.

The M8 is wonderful.  Great camera. Can't say enough good about it.  And you
can use all those obscure Leica lenses I know you have for it.

My poor hexar/M6 don't get much use these days.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
w a d e  h e n i n g e r
u s e r  e x p e r i e n c e
a d o b e  s y s t e m s ,  i n c

In reply to: Message from dstella1 at (Dante Stella) ([Leica] 90mm Hexanon or Elmarit on M8? -DAS)