Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/02/23

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Subject: [Leica] Lightroom on a Mac
From: heninger at (Wade Heninger)
Date: Fri Feb 23 11:51:51 2007

On 2/23/07 11:46 AM, "Nathan Wajsman" <> wrote:

> I have been playing a bit with the 1.0 demo too and like it as well,
> although I am still not used to the very different workflow and
> interface (compared to PS). The one thing I miss is the healing brush--I
> have a permanent piece of dust on my sensor which does not affect most
> pictures but does need to be retouched out of images with lots of sky.

There is a healing/clone tool in the develop module.

It works great for sensor dust.  I use it a lot.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
w a d e  h e n i n g e r
u s e r  e x p e r i e n c e
a d o b e  s y s t e m s ,  i n c

Replies: Reply from kennybod at (Ken Frazier) ([Leica] Lightroom on a Mac)
In reply to: Message from nathan at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] Lightroom on a Mac)