Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/11/03

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Subject: [Leica] success! but help!
From: faneuil at (Eric Korenman)
Date: Fri Nov 3 09:24:20 2006

I have been on a recent run of good luck.
My 1 year old casual photography business seems to be catching on.
Each job seems to begetting 2-3 more.
I am both excited but nervous taking on new projects.

So here is the question - I have been working with a web designed who also
does print work.
She'd like me to photograph her paper print work. (I didn't ask "why not
just scan it?" !)

Any tips? I am going to assume diffuse, soft, shadowless light is a must.
I don't have a light tent for objects -- are there cheap ones out there or
easy workarounds?


Replies: Reply from rmcclure2 at (Rob McClure) ([Leica] success! but help!)
Reply from walt at (Walt Johnson) ([Leica] success! but help!)