Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/09/29

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Subject: [Leica] Meet you at Jim's backyard with rolls of Velvia, good Loupes and light tables.
From: Jim at (Jim Hemenway)
Date: Fri Sep 29 16:08:17 2006
References: <>

Hoppy & Nick:

I learned Sunday afternoon that it IS a lot of fun.

I gave a workshop, (my first) for the some of the members of the Boston 
Area Large Format UG, beginning at 1 PM and they didn't leave until 
after 4:30!

It was an introduction to ULF, I had spent a lot of time preparing for 
it and was relieved that it went very well. I covered everything that I 
could think of including film, holders, lenses, Scheimpflug, (which some 
hadn't heard about) scanning, printing and a lot more.

Then we all looked at their chromes and negatives on my light able which 
I rescued from a printing company which went digital a couple of years ago.

It was supposed to be only an hour or so long, but they really got into 
it when I set up the 11x14 and the 8x10 in my backyard and let them go 
at it.

One guy who drove up from Rhode Island said that if he had realized that 
we were going to have such a good time that he would have brought some 
beer and pizza!

Some LUGers who are also on the SeePhoto list already know this, but the 
day before I got together with a couple of local members of the SeePhoto 
list, Stuart Goldman and Greg Harris on the occasion of a visit from 
Mike Levy, a retired journalist member from Buffalo.

We met for coffee at a (gasp) Starbucks, and when the rain stopped for
awhile, went for a photo walk along the Charles River and onto the MIT

A great afternoon, albeit damp & gloomy:

Boats on the Charles, Mike and the boys, Greg and the Cormorant, some
Charles River views, Kendall Square and the new MIT Gehry building.

Jim, "It's really great to meet up with other photographers" Hemenway

Nick Roberts wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----
> From: G Hopkinson <>
> To: Leica Users Group <>
> Sent: Friday, 29 September, 2006 2:14:38 PM
> Subject: RE: [Leica] Beginnings of Fall
> Meet you at Jim's backyard with rolls of Velvia, good Loupes and light 
> tables.
> Cheers
> Hoppy 
> Wouldn't that be fun?
> Nick

I got together with a couple of local members of the SeePhoto list,
Stuart Goldman and Greg Harris on Saturday on the occasion of a visit
from Mike Levy, a retired journalist member from Buffalo.

The SeePhoto list is similar to ours except that all types of cameras
are used.

We met for coffee at a (gasp) Starbucks, and when the rain stopped for
awhile, went for a photo walk along the Charles River and onto the MIT

A great afternoon, albeit damp & gloomy:

Boats on the Charles, Mike and the boys, Greg and the Cormorant, some
Charles River views, Kendall Square and the new MIT Gehry building.


P.S.  I gave my first workshop on Sunday, Introduction To Ultra Large
Format Photography. I spent a lot of time preparing for it and was
relieved that it went very well.  No photos to show though, too busy!

Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Meet you at Jim's backyard with rolls of Velvia, good Loupes and light tables.)
Reply from vintagebill at (bill harting) ([Leica] Meet you at Jim's backyard with rolls of Velvia, good Loupes and light tables.)
Reply from luisripoll at (Luis Ripoll) ([Leica] Meet you at Jim's backyard with rolls of Velvia, good Loupes and light tables.)
In reply to: Message from nickbroberts at (Nick Roberts) ([Leica] Beginnings of Fall)