Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/09/15

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Subject: [Leica] M8: To buy or not to buy. . .
From: pklein at (Peter Klein)
Date: Fri Sep 15 23:11:58 2006

Reality check.  This is similar to Luis' thinking. For a completely 
opposite point of view, see my next post.

I can get a 36-exposure roll of C-41 (color or BW400CN) developed, printed 
AND scanned to about a 6 MP file, all for $10.00 at Costco. In one hour. I 
can get a roll of traditional B&W developed and scanned to the same 
resolution for $15 at a local B&W specialty lab. That takes one or two days.

Let's add five bucks (ballpark) for each roll of film itself. Now, how many 
rolls of film would it take for me to equal the $4800 price tag of an M8?

C41: 4800 / 15 = 320 rolls
Silver BW: 4800 / 20 = 240 rolls

Now, let's say I shoot a roll per week, with two weeks off. That's 50 rolls 
of film in a year. It would take about six and a half years of C41 
shooting, or just under 5 years of silver B&W shooting, to have spent the 
equivalent of an M8 body.

I rarely shoot more than half the above. So double the length of time for 
my film shooting to "pay" for an M8. That's a lot of film shooting.

So the M8 makes no economic sense for me. Your mileage may vary.

But I still want one.  Big time.  See next post.


Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] M8: To buy or not to buy. . .)