Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/08/04

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Subject: [Leica] deereheads
From: h_arche at (H. Ball Arche)
Date: Fri Aug 4 18:38:21 2006

--- Steve Barbour <> wrote:

> On Aug 3, 2006, at 8:40 PM, H. Ball Arche wrote:
> > Many thanks Steve; next we're rolling into 'county
> > fair' season (and thanks to Ric for that tip).
> > Now, if you could just show me how to shoot kids
> so
> > they don't look like future serial-killers :^)
> sure Arche, if you will show me how to shoot
> deereheads, so that they  
> look like deereheads...
> Steve

It's easy: scratch, spit a lot (does the term
'farmer's snag' mean aanything to you?). Uh, let's
see..."get down to their level, make eye contact and
smile.  Almost always they forget that I am there and
go back to whatever they were doing."  :^)

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In reply to: Message from kididdoc at (Steve Barbour) ([Leica] deereheads)