Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/05/07

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Subject: [Leica] paw #8 (in an Arbus funk)
From: lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda)
Date: Sun May 7 08:57:27 2006
References: <>

On 06/05/2006, at 23:42, Eric Korenman wrote:

> My daughter, beyond exhausted at a party, begging
> to go home.

Once at my tender age of 10, in summer,  I was ill with high fever,  
but had to travel with my parents. The doctor used a poorly soluble  
injectable (no kidding!)  that cutted off my symptons overnight and  
gave me a break to start the journey at the cost of 20 minutes with  
the syringe . All was going fine till the ferry arrived to the port,  
then I felt very dizzy and my legs stopped supporting me. All my  
strength gone, hot weather plus high humidity made me feel like I was  
dying; the little throat problem I had masked out the start of a  
common viral infection.

Your picture brought me those memories, I should look like her, or  
much worse. Such is the power of an image.

Thanks Eric.


In reply to: Message from faneuil at (Eric Korenman) ([Leica] paw #8 (in an Arbus funk))