Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/04/19

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Subject: [Leica] Cameras could be different shapes (was T)
From: leica at (R. Clayton McKee)
Date: Wed Apr 19 17:25:39 2006
References: <>

On 19 Apr 2006 at 16:21, Lottermoser George wrote:

> My camera:
>       Uses my eye as a lens.
>       My brain sends information to a digital processor which includes a  
> digital zoom.
>       I (mind) determine resolution, final file size and moment of 
> exposure.
>       That data is sent to a memory card.

Do we wanna know where that memory card plugs in?

I guess I'm weird here.  I kind of like having the camera the way it 
is, with several different types and setups to think through and pick 
from, and enough potential for operator error to keep me from getting 
casual about it. 


R. Clayton McKee                 
P O Box 571900                           voice/fax   713/783-3502
Houston, TX 77257-1900                   cell phone #  on request

In reply to: Message from SonC at ( ([Leica] Cameras could be different shapes (was T))
Message from imagist3 at (Lottermoser George) ([Leica] Cameras could be different shapes (was T))