Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/02/07

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Subject: [Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger
From: bquinn at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Tue Feb 7 11:15:06 2006
References: <>

I think that Marc should use whatever kind of photographic technology he 
wants to
use. It's his art, and his prerogative to make what ever choices will 
enhance his
work and allow him to achieve his creative ends. If he doesn't like digital, 
he shouldn't use it. I'll go a step further and say that I, too, am one of 
people who wonder about what seems to be a shift from film to digital on this
list. But, I don't want to get into that. I think that it is fair to say 
that we
are a leica-centric on-line community rather than  a strict leica-users 
But, that's OK with me. I think that the diversity on this list is its 

I am not one of the Alpha members of this list. I never will be. I don't 
even want
to be. I don't often know enough about anything on this list to be able to 
on it intelligently, so I don't. Perhaps I misunderstood. My reading of
yesterday's thread on this subject is that Marc had asked several times what 
meant. I thought that he was asking because he wanted to know. I can't tell a
NOOKY from a ROOKEY. But, it just so happens that I do know something about 
processing and computing. I thought, as a fair exchange for all the 
information I
have gained from this list and for which I have never paid a fee or made a
contribution in return, that I would offer what I could in the way of an
explanation. If I have wasted the groups time, I am sorry. But, my attempt 
at an
explanation didn't come easily, and it was my attempt to give the group what
benefit I could of my years of experience, just as those who have had years 
experience in photography have offered theirs.


"B. D. Colen" wrote:

> Okay, I wasn't going to post this unless this started up again today...but
> since it has....(and all due respect to you, Barney :-) )
> ...
> This is perhaps the single most inane thread ever to take up LUG bandwidth.
> :-)
>  Tina is not a techie. I am not a techie. Ted is not a techie, nor are most
> of the hundreds of other people on this list who have figured out - mostly

Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)
Reply from reid at (Brian Reid) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)
Reply from bruce at (bruce) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)
Reply from dlridings at (Daniel Ridings) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)
In reply to: Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)