Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/11/13

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Subject: [Leica] OT: bronica 645 RF?
From: lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda)
Date: Sun Nov 13 06:09:25 2005
References: <> <> <> <>

On 13/11/2005, at 13:31, Eric wrote:

>> I recommend a Rollei 6008i. It has the best metering system of any  
>> of my
>> cameras, including my Leica R8.
> That's a little more than I wanted to spend.

If you're looking for a MF Leica, don't bother, it doesn't exists.

If you're looking to have a fine and more or less modern MF RF, then  
get the Bronica or Mamiya depending your neg size preferences.

I was looking for a Mamiya 6 for a long while, but I only found well  
used cameras, far from their last CLA, or very pricey ones (the  
winding thing uses to fail on 6s and there are no replacements left  
from mamiya, so it may take a while to get a fix). Finally I got an  
almost new 7II. It's fine but isn't a leica-style shooting camera in  
any way, but it can do street photography once that you're used to it.

Handheld low-light photography isn't practical with MF as you fall  
into slow speeds quite easily and even a f2.8 lens will require any  
sort of camera support. Under 1/30 your chances to get a handheld  
sharp image are almost null, perhaps a bit higher with the big wides.

BTW that rollei system is one of the most rational systems ever made,  
it has some features that aren't available on others cameras. You  
can't go wrong with it, but, indeed, isn't cheap.


In reply to: Message from ericm at (Eric) ([Leica] OT: bronica 645 RF?)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] OT: bronica 645 RF?)
Message from Jim at (Jim Hemenway) ([Leica] OT: bronica 645 RF?)
Message from ericm at (Eric) ([Leica] OT: bronica 645 RF?)